Since I started out with Jakeart1 I have done lots of craft fairs and joined lots of craft groups on facebook. Through all of this I have met some amazing people who are both talented and lovely. So I have decided to do little interviews with some of them every so often so that everyone can see their amazing work.
The first little interview I did was with the wonderfully talented Danielle from Under the Rowan Trees. I absolutely love her work as she has such a wide variety of talents to offer from embroidery to knitting and to jewellery. All her beautiful things are well made and a little quirky (which appeals to me). If you like Danielle's work check her out at or on facebook.
Some of the questions I asked were a little random I'm afraid and inspired by the sort of things my children ask me so sit back and enjoy while you find out a little about Danielle.x
1.What was your first commission?
Does my mum count? For her 60th birthday I offered to make her something. She chose a lace weight yarn and a complicated pattern. It took forever and was very late for her birthday but she loves it so that is all that matters!
2.What piece are you most proud of?
The first large shawl I completed for myself is still my favourite and I wear it all of the time! It took ages and used 200g of hand dyed yarn. It was the first complex pattern I followed and I learned so much from the process.
3.What are you working on now?
I’m a serial starter so I always have loads on the go. At the moment I have earrings and badges drying ready for Christmas fayres, a half embroidered feather to go in a mini hoop and at least fifteen knit and crochet items on the go including a cowl for my first beginners knitting pattern!
4. If you were a superhero what would your power be?
I would pause time! Then I could have a quiet sit down with a cup of tea and my crochet and not worry about anybody disturbing me!
5. If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?
I’m a bit of a home bird so am tempted to say bed but if money was no object I’d like to explore some more European cities by train. We travelled through Belgium, Germany and Switzerland on our honeymoon and it was amazing. Prague would have to feature somewhere!
6.Which person from history would you most like to meet and why?
I’m a big Audrey Hepburn fan. I particularly love Breakfast at Tiffany’s, however, I think she was far too glamorous to hang out with me. She did like to knit though (so we may find some common ground!).
7. What is your favourite book?
I’m a big reader (or I was until crafting started to eat up my relaxation time) so it is really hard to choose. One which I found to be extremely powerful and which has stayed with me is Wuthering Heights. Usually I go for modern literary fiction. I love the work of Kate Atkinson.
8. If you could be any animal what would you be?
Something which hibernates!
9. You can spend a day in a fictional place with a fictional character. Where would you go and who with?
Again hard to choose but at the moment I’d probably choose to visit the scarf lady from Sarah and Duck. She has a room full of yarn in her house. I could curl up in there for hours!
10. If a fairy granted you 3 wishes what would you choose?
A lovely long lie in with no cbeebies! A huge supply of fine Swiss chocolate. Finally a beautiful Christmas with all of my family, lots of food wine and laughter.
Thank you all for reading and to Danielle for answering my questions. I'll be asking more random questions of my fellow artists very soon.x